This is how our matching works

  • 1000+ partner companies with jobs on MoBerries
  • Prefiltered jobs to perfectly match your skills and preferences 
  • Matching-AI learns through feedback
Job Matches: 

Here you can see open positions which you have a high matching score with in terms of skills and preferences. Check them regularly and make sure to decline or accept them as our matching-AI continuously keeps on learning through your feedback.

Job Suggestions:  

Here you can find other open positions which do not perfectly match your preferences or you might not entirely fit the required profile. We do however, highly recommend to still have a look at these jobs – often companies are flexible with their job profiles and maybe you change your mind about your preferences. 

How our matching works:

MoBerries matching-AI uses your given information on your skills and preferences to create your candidate profile. This profile will be collated with all job profiles within the MoBerries Network. If a certain matching score is reached between your candidate profile and the requirements of the job description, you will be able to see the open position as a match and either decline or accept it. If you decline a position, you will be asked to give feedback. This process helps our matching-AI to figure out which positions you prefer and with every feedback, our algorithm gets more accurate and efficient. If you accept the position, your profile will be passed on to the company. In the next step, the company has to either accept or decline the application. If a company declines, they are required to give feedback regarding the reason which you can use to optimize your profile. If the company accepts, they will contact you for further steps regarding the interview process.