For Candidates
47 Posts

From Job Seeker to Sales Manager: Antonio's Success Story with MoBerries

We are excited to share the inspiring success story of Antonio, who, at the age of 28, found a fulfilling career as a Sales Manager at MoBerries after an exte ...

Inflation Adjustment 2024: Inflation as a reason for salary increase

Salary increases are crucial for recognizing employee performance and achievements, but inflation can often make these increases insufficient. For many employ ...

Silas Schüttel’s Candidate Success Story: Building a Career Pathway with MoBerries

Meet Silas Schüttel, he successfully found two jobs through MoBerries. With a background in Sales and an internship in Marketing, Silas built a career path by ...

Match with your ideal career: MoBerries' Job Preference Feature

In today's fast-paced work environment, it can be difficult to find a job that fits your individual needs and interests. On the other hand, in the current job ...

German Visa: Guide 2024

A work visa is a government-issued legal document that permits an individual to work in a specific country. To work in Germany, individuals must acquire eithe ...

Candidate success story: Florian Schiffer

On MoBerries, new success stories are created every day, in which candidates find suitable career opportunities through our platform. In today's success story ...

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