For Candidates
47 Posts

Berlin Partner Survey: Making a Big Difference with Little Effort

Burkhard Volbracht is Head of Unit Talent International at Berlin Partner and has been promoting Berlin's job market since 1997. After coming to Berlin as a s ...

MoBerries' Interview with EIGENSONNE (Part 1/2)

EIGENSONNE GmbH was founded in 2017 with a focus on renewable energy. We have our office in Berlin, but beyond that we also have monthly teams and warehouses  ...

Uberization: How Modern Technologies Change Recruitment

Undeniably technology continued to impact the way we work however this phenomenon is not something exclusive to recruitment but rather all industries in which ...

MoBerries' Interview with Doctolib

Founded in France in 2013, Doctolib has become one of the leading e-health companies in Europe. Our offices are located in Berlin (HQ), Paris (HQ), Nantes (ca ...

Christmas Giveaway 2020: Here comes the winner

On the 16th of December, you had the chance to participate in our yearly Christmas Giveaway. You could win one of our popular Burgundy MoBerries Hoodies (incl ...

MoBerries Feedback Insights: Changing the Way Recruitment Works

MoBerries is a recruitment platform distinguishing themselves by leveraging data to drive more human interaction. I sat down with the founder Mo Moubarak to p ...

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